I have work travel coming up the next couple weeks so I will be making some sort of robot each day but may not be able to post them right away. Prepare for more drawings than anything else most likely.
Time for an ornament exchange that I participate in. Only 3 people participating in this one (two of which live in the same house - spouse and myself) so I made two ornaments, one for them and one for us.
Guest drawing today from my wife, we update our monthly calendar white board with some sort of drawing, this month she made a Christmasy robot using magnets for its eyes.
Happy Thanksgiving to those in the USA. The Cyborg Turkey sends you greetings.
Plastic thing from an power cord, pipe stem, googly eyes, felt and a fuzzy pom-pom with foil. A nod to the Twitter handle of the Robot Chicken crew aka CyborgTurkey.
Another sweet robot, peelings from sweet potatoes, cranking up the prep for tomorrows feast. Making my Yamtastic, sweet potatoes, brown sugar, butter, spices and pecans. Gobble Gobble!
Now that it is getting colder the nose starts running more and as an indication that I have robots on the brain I seem to sneeze out robots now: A little clearer with the colors inverted. Tissue with water paths traced by a wet Q-tip
One of the things I brought home after my dad passed away was his N Gauge train set, which has been sitting in a box since probably 1981 or so. The trains still work but I need new track, so for now the track works as an improvised robot.
Playing around with Wii Party I thought I'd try and make a Wii avatar that was a robot. Problem is there isn't a good skin color that looks appropriately robotish.
But in one of the minigames he looks at least 'spacey'.
While shopping at Target this morning I browsed the kid crafts and saw a ceramic frog nodder that looked like it might make a good robot, but behind it on the peg was a robot! Instead of using their paints I used my ceramic paints to do my own.
Since I have a thing with googly eyes figure I better make a googly eye bot. The fun starts when your bag of googly eyes spills all over the carpet and it's a race between you and the cat to find them all. I may end up finding them later if the cat wins....
I was thinking about the funky bookmarks I would get in elementary school in the 70s, they always had something sort-of punny on it to go with the picture.
Going out to the in-law's house today so I wanted to get a bot out quickly. Toothpick robot, or maybe a robot Kate Moss? "I'll have a breath mint and a Diet Rite for dinner please!"
Also happy Veterans Day to my fellow veterans. Thank you for your service!
College basketball is back on TV tonight, so my attention is diverted. Here's a quick sketch of what would be a very unfair robot, swatting that shot away.
Much like humans have the bogeyman and felines have basement cat robots too have a fear of Abandoned Warehouse Bot or Ol' Scratchdisk. Parental Units warn their newly programmed dependent bots that if they don't behave Ol' Scratchdisk will come take them away to the abandoned warehouse.